Pengumuman Pemilihan Mitra KSO Pelayanan Mobil Jenazah di RS Adam Malik

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Profil Data Kepegawaian – Oktober 2024

Jumlah Penanganan Pengaduan RS Adam Malik Tahun 2023

Handover of Position of General and Operational Director of RSUP H. Adam Malik
The transfer of leadership of the General Directorate and Operations of H.Adam Malik General Hospital from the old official (Drg.TinonResphati, M.Kes) to the new (SyamsudinAngkat, SH, SE) was held on September 7, 2012 through a series of handover ceremonies for the Director General and Operations in Hall lt.3 Administration Building. This handover ceremony is a series of inauguration ceremonies of echelon II officials within the Ministry of Health by the Minister of Health on August 29, 2012 ago. The handover ceremony of the Director General and Operations was attended by Board of Trustees, Board of Directors, Head of SPI, Medical Committee Chair, Structural Officer, Head of SMF, Head and Deputy Head of Installation. Exactly at 10.00 am, witnessed by the President Director of H.Adam Malik General Hospital, read out Decision Letter of Dismissal and Appointment of General and Operational Director stipulated by Minister of Health RI on August 28, 2012 followed by the signing of handover, integrity pact and work memory submission of Directorate General and Operational. In the Acknowledgment of the President Director, said that appointments and dismissals in a position are normal events within the organization. The President Director expects to the new Director and Operations to be able to play an active role in performing services for the community and priority in order to improve the quality of service in accordance with JCI accreditation program. To the new Director and Operations, the President Director conveys 4 (four) important points that must be implemented, namely; make the position entrusted as a mandate to always strive to provide the best service in the best way to the community; to not hesitate in implementing reforms and innovations to improve the quality of health services while within the corridors of the law; always open and willing to accept criticism from all parties and make criticism as a leadership control in the General Directorate and Operations as well as foster a conducive atmosphere and cohesiveness among staff to ensure smooth task. At the end of the speech, the President Director expressed his highest appreciation and gratitude to Drg.TinonResphati, M.Kes during his duty and expects to remain active in providing positive feedbacks for RS advancement in accordance with the knowledge and experience possessed. To Syamsudin Angkat, SH, SE as the new Director and Operational Director, the President Director expressed his congratulations on duty. The event which lasted for 15 (fifteen) minutes ended with prayers and congratulatory and photo together.
Training Loan Korea di Negeri Ginseng
Salah satu implementasi pelaksanaan kontrak bantuan alat kesehatan dari Korea Selatan adalah melaksanakan pelatihan (training) yang dilakukan di Indonesia maupun yang di Korea Selatan. Pelatihan dimaksud berkaitan dengan pengetahuan menyangkut peralatan bantuan yang akan ditempatkan di RSUP H. Adam Malik dari bantuan Korea. Training yang dilaksanakan di negeri ginseng tersebut dilaksanakan dalam 2 (dua) kelompok dengan lama pelatihan 7 (tujuh) hari pada setiap kelompok. Kelompok pertama yang diberangkatkan pada tanggal 10 Desember 2012 yang lalu dipimpin langsung oleh Direktur Utama RSUP H. Adam Malik Dr.Azwan Hakmi Lubis, Sp.A, M.Kes dan didampingi oleh Direktur Umum dan Operasional Syamsudin Angkat, SH, SE. Peserta training kelompok pertama ini terdiri dari 18 (delapan belas) orang. Kelompok kedua yang diberangkatkan pada tanggal 17 Desember 2012 berjumlah 20 (dua puluh) orang yang dipimpin oleh Direktur Medik dan Keperawatan Dr.Lukmanul Hakim Nasution, Sp.KK dan didampingi oleh Direktur Keuangan Drs.Bastian, MM. Peserta training ini terdiri dari managemen, dokter, perawat, teknisi dan operator peralatan kesehatan dilingkungan RSUP H. Adam Malik. Materi pelatihan terdiri dari teknologi sistem informasi dilingkungan kesehatan, pengenalan alat kesehatan, trouble shooting, kunjungan ke Rumah Sakit dan manufacturing. Pada jamuan makan malam sekaligus pembukaan training yang bertempat di Shilla Hotel, baik pimpinan Daewoo Consortium maupun Direktur Utama RSUP H. Adam Malik mengharapkan dengan pelaksanaan training dapat memperlancar proses kerjasama yang sudah terbina selama ini dan mengharapkan segala materi yang diberikan dapat berguna bagi pihak RSUP H.Adam Malik sebagai penerima alat kesehatan. Sebagai ucapan terimakasih atas undangan mengikuti training ini, Direktur Utama RSUP H.Adam Malik memberikan cenderamata kepada Pimpinan Daewoo Consortium. Sama halnya dengan RSUP H.Adam Malik, pada malam penutupan training, Pimpinan Daewoo Consortium memberikan Cenderamata kepada Direktur Utama RSUP H.Adam Malik dan certifikat tanda mengikuti pelatihan bagi seluruh peserta training. Rangkaian kegiatan training ini secara keseluruhan berakhir pada tanggal 24 Desember 2012 yang lalu.